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Picard-Deland, C., Bernardi, G., Genzel, L., Dresler, M., Schoch, S.F. (2023) Memory reactivations during sleep: a neural basis of dream experiences? Trends in Cognitive Sciences. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.02.006


Picard-Deland, C., Konkoly, K., Raider, R., Paller, K., Nielsen, T., Pigeon, W., Carr, M. (2022) The memory sources of dreams: a serial awakenings study across sleep stages and time of night. Sleep. zsac292.

Picard-Deland, C., Allaire, M.A., Nielsen, T. (2022) Postural balance in frequent lucid dreamers: a replication attempt. Sleep.


Picard-Deland, C., Nielsen, N., Carr, M. (2021) Dreaming of the sleep lab. PLOS One.

Solomonova, E., Picard-Deland, C., Rapoport, I., Pennestri, M.-H., Saad, M., Kendzerska, T., Veissiere, S. P. L., Godbout, R., Edwards, J., Quilty, L., Robillard, R. (2021). Stuck in a lockdown: dreams, bad dreams, nightmares and their relationship to stress, depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS One, 16(11), e0259040.

Mallet, R., Picard-Deland, C., Pigeon, W., Wary, M., Grewal, A., Blagrove, M., Carr, M. (2021) The relationship between dreams and subsequent morning mood using self-reports and text analysis. Society for Affective Science.

Picard-Deland, C. Aumont, T., Samson-Richer, A., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2021) Whole-body procedural learning benefits from targeted memory reactivation in REM sleep and task-related dream reactivations. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

Picard-Deland, C., Nielsen, T. (2021) Targeted memory reactivation has a sleep stage-specific delayed effect on dream content. Journal of Sleep Research.

Picard-Deland, C., Pastor, M., Solomonova, E., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2020) Flying dreams stimulated by an immersive virtual reality task. Consciousness & Cognition. 83, 102958.

Blanchette-Carrière, C., Julien, S-H., Picard-Deland, C., Bouchard, M., Carrier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2020) Attempted induction of signalled lucid dreaming by transcranial alternating current stimulation. Consciousness & Cognition. 83, 102957.

Nielsen, T., Carr, M, Picard-Deland, C., Marquis, L-P., Saint-Onge. K., Blanchette-Carrière, C., Paquette, T. (2019) Early childhood adversity associations with nightmare severity and sleep spindles. Sleep Medicine, 56, pp. 57-65.

Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2018) Sleep spindles are altered in early- but not late-onset nightmare recallers. Sleep Medecine, 52, pp.34-42.

Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Paquette, T., Saint-Onge, K., Nielsen, T. (2018). Sleep spindles and psychopathology characteristics of frequent nightmare recallers. Sleep Medicine, 50, 113-131.

Comeau, G., Vuvan, D., Picard-Deland, C., Peretz, I. (2017) Can You Tell a Prodigy from a Professional Musician? Music Perception, 35(2), pp.199-209.

Nielsen, T., Carr, M., Blanchette-Carrière, C., Marquis, L-P., Dumell, G., Solomonova, E., Julien, S-H., Picard-Deland, C., Paquette, T. (2016) NREM sleep spindles are associated with dream recall. Sleep Spindles & Cortical Up States, 1(1), pp.27-41.


Picard-Deland, C. (2022) Memory sources in dreams across time and sleep stages: relationship with procedural learning and implication for dream research. Part of research symposia “Dreaming and memory consolidation: Methodological issues and novel evidence”. World Sleep Congress. Rome, Italy. 2022-03-15.


Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Nielsen, T. (2021). Dreaming of the sleep lab: a large database study. International Association for the Study of Dreams, online, 2021-06-15.

Picard-Deland, C., Pastor, M., Solomonova, E., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2020) Rêver de voler: influencer les rêves avec une expérience immersive en réalité virtuelle. Journée de la recherche du CIUSSS-NIM - l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2020-10-01.

Picard-Deland, C. (2019) TMR and Dreams. 2019 International Sleep Replay Workshop. Chicago, États-Unis, 2019-09-19.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2019) Kinesthetic dreams and cued reactivation: investigating memory replays of a VR flying task. International Association for the Study of Dreams, Kerkrade, Pays-Bas, 2019-06-25.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2019) Rêves et réactivation sonore durant le sommeil pour renforcer la mémoire motrice. 87e congrès de l’Acfas, Gatineau, Québec, Canada, 2019-05-27.

Picard-Deland, C. (2019) Réactivation de mémoire, rêves et mémoire procédurale. Conférence Axe neurophysiologie du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de service sociaux du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2019-04-29.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2018) The effect of targeted memory reactivation and dream content on procedural learning. Journée de la recherche de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2018-05-29.

Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2017) Sleep spindle characteristics of lifelong nightmare sufferers. Journée de la recherche de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2017-05-29.

Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2017) The sleep spindle as a potential biomarker for idiopathic nightmares? Conférence Interdisciplinaire en Psychologie, Ottawa, Canada, 2017-05-18.


Allaire, M. Picard-Deland, C., Nielsen, T. (2021) Relations between postural balance and lucid dreaming: a replication attempt. Journée de la recherche du CIUSSS-NIM, Montréal, Canada, 2021-11-05.


Picard-Deland, C., Pastor, M., Solomonova, E., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2020) Gravity dreams stimulated by an immersive virtual reality task. SLEEP, Philadelphia, États-Unis, 2020-08-27.

Solomonova, E., Picard-Deland, C., Cencora-Mikutra, K., Dubé, S., Samson-Richer, A., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. Somatosensory stimulation during REM sleep produces changes in dream content. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, É-U, 2020-03-14.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2020) Investigating the phenomenology of whole-body procedural memory reactivation in different stages of sleep. 6ème Congrès annuel des étudiant.e.s en neurosciences de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2020-03-05.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2019) Immediate and delayed effect of targeted memory reactivation during sleep on procedural learning and dreams. World Sleep Society, Vancouver, Canada, 2019-09-22.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. (2019) Memory replays of a virtual reality flying task. MIT Dream Engineering Workshop, Boston, États-Unis, 2019-01-28.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. Learning to fly in virtual reality: the effects of targeted memory reactivation during REM sleep on procedural learning. 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, Gatineau, Canada, 2018-06-28.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. Targeted memory reactivation: a method to enhance procedural memory during sleep. 3e édition du Neurosymposium, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Montréal, Canada, 2018-06-22.

Blanchette-Carrière, C., Julien, S-H., Picard-Deland, C., Bouchard, M., Carrier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. La stimulation transcrânienne par courant alternatif : une méthode efficace pour induire des rêves lucides? Journée de la recherche de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2018-05-29.

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. Targeted memory reactivation during rapid eye movement sleep improves procedural skills learned in virtual reality: a pilot study. 12th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2018-05-13

Picard-Deland, C., Samson-Richer, A., Chénier, J., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. La réactivation de mémoire ciblée en sommeil paradoxal améliore un apprentissage moteur en réalité virtuelle: un projet pilote. 4ème Congrès annuel des étudiant.e.s en neurosciences de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2018-03-08

Picard-Deland, C., Carr, M., Nielsen, T. Sleep spindles in early and late onset nightmare sufferers. International Association for the Study of Dreams, Anaheim, États-Unis, 2017-06-17.

Carr, M., Picard-Deland, C., Paquette, Blanchette-Carrière, C., Saint-Onge, K., Nielsen, T. Sleep spindle characteristics of lifelong nightmare sufferers. International Association for the Study of Dreams, Anaheim, États-Unis, 2017-06-16.

Picard-Deland, C., Paquette, T., Carr, M., Nielsen, T. Sleep spindle characteristics of lifelong nightmare sufferers, 3ème Congrès annuel des étudiant.e.s en neurosciences de l’Université de Montréal, 2017-03-02.

Solomonova, E., Dubé, S., Blanchette-Carrière, C., Samson, A., Picard-Deland, C., Nielsen, T. Effect of Vipassana meditation on sleep-dependent procedural memory consolidation and postural balance following a daytime nap: Making implicit memories explicit. Mind and Life Summer Research Institute. People, Place and Practice: Putting Contemplative Studies into Context. Garrisson, États-Unis, 2016-06-11.

Solomonova, E., Dubé, S., Blanchette-Carrière, C., Carr, M., Picard-Deland, C., Paquette, T., Nielsen, T. Embodied sleep, dreaming and procedural memory: a nap study of Vipassana practitioners and non-meditating controls. International Symposium for Contemplative Studies, San Diego, États-Unis, 2016-11-10.

Picard-Deland, C., Vuvan, D.T., Peretz, I., Comeau, G. The Musical Prodigy: Putting the Definition to the Test. Tenth anniversary symposium of the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, Montréal, Canada, 2015-10-22.

Riebe, I. M., Haji, N., Aguilar Valles, A., Picard-Deland, C., Xing, P., Artinian, J., Laplante, I., Lacaille, J.-C. Cell type specific knock-out of TSC1 in excitatory or inhibitory cells differentially affects hippocampal synaptic transmission, plasticity and contextual fear memory. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, États-Unis, 2015-10-17.

Riebe, I. M., Haji, N., Aguilar Valles, A., Picard-Deland, C., Xing, P., Artinian, J., Laplante, I., Lacaille, J.-C. Cell type specific knock-out of TSC1 in excitatory or inhibitory cells differentially affects hippocampal synaptic transmission, plasticity and contextual fear memory. Gordon Research Conference, Lewiston, États-Unis, 2015-08-16.

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